Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gore Place Sheep Shearing Festival

Today was the sheepshearing festival where I shared a booth with Dharia of Skeintily Clad and Kate of Woolarina. Today started out with a sunny sky, but about 10am it clouded over and was blistering cold!!! The booth was set up pretty fast as I have attempted to streamline setup for me and bring less stuff. A new addition were my handpainted silk scarves and a fantastic new display rack my dad built yesterday.
There were tons of crafters, the term I use loosely (I would have juried the applicants a little more if it was my show...). Trish and Cheryl were also there and it's always nice to see them.
The show was very well attended, even though it was a chilly day but I really didn't sell too much. Four felted flower pins, a felted bead kit and a zipper ball. Not good.
Dharia did attempt to teach me how to use the drop spindle, not that I will ever feel as though I need to spin. We had an interesting conversation about how I feel if I can't do a craft relatively good on the first try, I know it isn't for me. Yes, I understand how important practice is (did I mention I played the clarinet in school...) but I KNOW immediately if a certain craft is FOR ME and if I can't excel at it right away, I am usually not interested. Call me a crafty snob. I have no problem saying (out loud) my abilities in craftiness exceed the general population, but don't ask me anything about History or Algebra. Or Latin. French. Biology. Literature. OK - you get the point.
The girls sold well, cuz it IS their target and they both have amazing yarn. I think Kate reminded Dharia and I that tan, grey, beige and cream ARE colors too, besides magenta, lime green and orange (I think I'd forgotten about the neutrals...).

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