Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Originally uploaded by 3CatNite.

Here is a new necklace...I am attempting to streamline for the next few weeks and make less labor-intensive pieces. I really need to get my inventory built up before I wipe myself out with shows! (trying to learn from past mistakes...)

Ok - I had a super dumb moment...
For the past few weeks I feel as though I've LOST some I know I bought them but I have been having trouble finding them. Especially some really nice brown stick pearls....I knew they were here somewhere.
When I make a piece of jewelry, it takes me about 30 minutes to select all the materials from my bead drawers which is where everything is stored. But I couldn't find the pearls anywhere.
Tonight I am sitting down to make a new necklace and I realize I might have left some beads on some old trays stored away in the cabinet...
lo and 4 different trays is the entire bead booty from the last beads show i went to---the pearls, a bunch of focal pieces, a whole lot of teal beads I've been looking for....
That's what I get for trying to clean up around here...

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